


Session Formats

  • In-person
    • One 2-hour session
    • Four 1-hour sessions
  • Webinars (on demand)
  • Custom Coaching

Customized Learning Sessions Include These Topics

  • Recruitment

  • Hiring and On-Boarding

  • Day-to-Day Management

  • Performance Monitoring

  • Practice Scenarios

Learning Goals

  • Recognize the learning style of autistic individuals
  • Implement management practices that enhance autistic employee talents
  • Solve unexpected customer-facing situations with autistic employees

Who We Are

Melva Radtke is an educator and attorney with extensive experience in designing and teaching social competency learning programs for autistic employees and job seekers. She co-founded two organizations that provided coaching and social instruction programs to hundreds of autistic adults throughout the United States.

Melva also served as the Executive Director of a job placement agency for autistic adults and was a job coach for autistic students in post high school transition programs. Much of Melva’s work in the autism community has been informed by her personal experience as the parent of an autistic adult who has been successfully and continually employed for 10 years.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business and how we can help you.